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An update from the club as preparations continue for the new season at Arbour Park.



As we approach the start of the new season, I wanted to share some updates and developments with you all. The off-season is never a time to relax, but a brief window to review and prepare for another gruelling campaign. This is the club’s first summer managing Arbour Park, making it an exciting time for us all.

Arbour Park Developments

Our aim is to make Arbour Park feel like home while ensuring it has greater functionality to enhance the match day experience for our supporters and non-match day users as our attendances continue to grow. This will include increased club branding throughout!

You may have noticed that we decorated the main bar last week, with further decorating planned in the coming weeks. In response to feedback requesting services on the east side of the ground, we have ordered an additional outdoor bar/kiosk, which will arrive this week.

I am pleased to announce our partnership with JA Fitness to create a fantastic performance studio for our players. This studio, located under the west stand, was previously a store room. Stay updated on our socials for the transformation progress and opportunities to join JA Fitness!

The largest development will be the conversion of the tea room into a new bar area. The current space is limited and doesn’t offer a great experience. We plan to relocate the club shop to the other side of the west stand, providing a larger space for the bar, and will add a new external door to make the new bar accessible from the car park. We aim to complete this development by the start of the season.

Although the stadium is only eight years old and offers a great foundation, some areas were never designed for National League South football. The changing rooms are a prime example, and we will be giving them a facelift in the coming weeks.

We will arrange work parties ahead of the upcoming season on dates that will be confirmed, inviting as many Rebel family members as possible to participate in our efforts to clean and revitalize Arbour Park. For all willing assistants, there will be a plenty of food and drinks!


We saw a record number of purchases after the early bird deadline passed, and many new members joined. It’s clear that you are making use of the membership advantages, which we had a great time providing the previous season. Comprehensive market research reveals that we continue to provide outstanding value when compared to other clubs in the area and at our level, even with our pricing hikes.

Fresh Household Supplies

We will be releasing a new home kit for the 2024–2025 season. In the upcoming weeks, we’ll update you on the official debut date! We will also be selling a new line of Macron training apparel starting with our first friendly game.

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