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South Sydney

Bennett predicted a shocking Souths reunion in Burgess’ ideal team, saying, “Come with Wayne.”



There is a prevailing debate around the possibility of Wayne Bennett and his former captain and assistant Sam Burgess getting back together at South Sydney to make a coaching dream team.

Bennett has demonstrated his ability to manage succession plans by having Jason Demetriou succeed him at the Souths and the Broncos, and by having Kristian Woolf take over at the Dolphins the following season.

Dean Ritchie questions Bennett’s desire to return to Sydney, even if the Souths are at the bottom of the table three years after Bennett led them to the Grand Final.

Ritchie remarked, “I believe that the Souths are currently hearing a lot about Wayne’s desire to return to Sydney.”

“They understand that Wayne Bennett won’t pick up and move back to Sydney again, even though they are interested.”

Nonetheless, Kent thinks supply and demand will play a role in Bennett’s choice.

“Should it be the sole job opening, Wayne will return to Sydney,” Kent stated.

“And right now, it appears that it will be.”

Before returning to Souths, Ritchie thinks Burgess needs more time as a head coach in England.

“The powerbrokers at Souths are saying that no, Sam, you stay in England,” Ritchie added in reference to Burgess.

“You must complete your apprenticeship, or he must. It’s only his seventh game in the league. Right now, he needs a good two years.

Kent warned Souths would need to change some of the club’s powerbrokers before Burgess agreed to return.

“I don’t think Sam will come back,” Kent said.

“I don’t think Sam will come and coach for the powerbrokers at the club at the moment. I think that’s the issue.

“I think that some of those people, the way they treated Sam last year, would need to be moved on for Sam to really entertain it. And that would be then a conversation probably between Sam and Russell Crowe.”

Brent Read agreed now is not the time for Burgess to return, but he could by the end of Bennett’s next deal.

“Sam doesn’t need to come back now, though,” Read said.

“If they get Wayne, Wayne can do it for three years and Sam comes back in the last year.”

Braith Anasta challenged Read on his belief that Souths were right to sack Burgess last year, which sparked a fiery debate.

“Every time we brought up Sam, you would say to me, oh, is that all you’ve heard? Is that the only information you’ve got?” Anasta said.

“You were right behind the Bunnies and the trajectory that they were on there for a long period of time.

“And every time I’d bring up Sam and what he’d said and the dramas that were there, you’d kind of go, oh, well, mate, is that all I’m hearing different?”

“I don’t know if I said that exactly, Braith,” Read countered.

“OK, what’d you say?” Anasta shot back.

“I don’t know if I said that exactly. Can we get the video out of there? I always miss, I mean, get the video out of there. That was a long time ago Braith.”

“So do you admit that probably he was on the right track?” Anasta said.

“Well, I think he had obviously some valid issues when you look back with the benefit of history,” Read said.

“He clearly had some valid issues that didn’t get ironed out in the off-season and they should have.

“And I think if Jason had his time over again, I’m sure he’d reflect on that and go, I should have made some changes in the off-season.”

Anasta questioned if the figures that let Burgess go are willing to swallow their pride and let him return.

“It is a tricky one though because even if Sam does want to come back, it’s the same hierarchy there that told him to go,” Anasta said.

“But then the hierarchy… and who didn’t support him?

“But now are they going to kind of swallow their pride and go, well, hang on, we stuffed up. You’re saying they won’t. They don’t want him back now.”

“They feel that he has to do his apprenticeship,” Ritchie said.

“That’s a fact. And there’s no spot right now in the NRL. He’s had seven games as a head coach. He cannot come back with that little experience and try to rectify a problem which is festering.”

“He could come with Wayne,” Anasta said.

“He could come with Wayne, perhaps,” Ritchie agreed.

“I don’t think anyone’s looking at Sam as a head coach of that club next year,” Ritchie said.

“It’s inevitable he will be back and it’s inevitable he will be head coach at South Sydney.

Kent believes there is no doubt Bennett will return if there is no other place for him to coach in the NRL.

“I think if there’s a job going and Wayne’s got no other options and he won’t have any other options in Queensland he will go back to Souths,” Kent said.

“Wayne threw his head up the other day for the Kiwi job.

“Because that was the only job available at the time. Now, you can’t tell me that in six weeks’ time, if the South Sydney job is the only job that’s available and the only one that’s looking available because not many coaches are really under pressure other than at South Sydney, Wayne will take the job.”



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