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Hibernian FC

Emiliano Marcondes responds to the inevitable Hibs question while savoring his “connection” with Easter Road fans.



Emiliano Marcondes senses a “connection” with the supporters of Hibs since he hinted he would be staying at Easter Road.

Following his January transfer, the Bournemouth loanee has rapidly become a local hero among Leith’s supporters thanks to a run of outstanding performances. Although he is just on loan, his contract expires in the summer, so if the team wants for onto him, he can freely negotiate a permanent transfer.

One of four January additions along with Myziane Maolida, Nectar Triantis, and Eliezer Mayenda, Marcondes is aware of how difficult it may be for loan players to establish a rapport with supporters who would always naturally favor one of their “own.” But he claims that thus far, he hasn’t had any difficulty with it because he consistently delivers 110%.

When asked if loan players should put in more effort to win over supporters, he responded, “I’ve had that question before. I’ve seen it with different players. But I think, no matter where I am, I’m always going to play with my heart and with the emotions of the club and the fans.” This was in response to an interview with the Edinburgh Evening News.

“As a player, I fully embrace the feelings and emotions of the supporters, as well as the joy of seeing the team triumph. Additionally, I really try to feel the feelings of everyone in the club since I’m socially connected, which increases my motivation. That’s how my experience at Hibs has been. That increases my drive, enthusiasm, and will to succeed. I perform at my best when I do it. I realize that’s not the case for everyone who takes out a loan. But I believe that’s just who I am.”

Under Nick Montgomery, Marcondes has settled into the Premiership with ease and is enjoying every second of it. “I obviously knew it would be different from the Premier League,” he continued. But even simply returning and playing football has been a lot of fun. It’s fun for me to be back on the field after a lengthy absence. I feel like my body is handling the momentum of playing every third day for a few weeks now.
