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GOOD NEWS: Saddil Ramdani pemain tanda baru dari Terengganu Fc mengumumkan parti sambutannya kerana menandatangani kelab yang bagus seperti Terengganu dan….Baca lebih lanjut untuk mengetahui tarikh perayaan.



Saddil Ramdani Celebrates Signing with Terengganu FC

Saddil Ramdani, the newly signed player for Terengganu FC, expressed his excitement in a celebratory event marking his agreement to join such a prestigious club. The announcement highlighted his enthusiasm for becoming part of the Terengganu football family and his anticipation of contributing positively to the team’s future successes.

In his statement, Saddil Ramdani conveyed his gratitude for the opportunity to join a club as esteemed as Terengganu FC. He emphasized the importance of this new chapter in his career, acknowledging the club’s rich history and promising future in Malaysian football.

The event showcased the warm welcome Saddil received from the club’s management, coaching staff, and fellow players. It underscored the mutual enthusiasm between the player and the club to achieve ambitious goals in upcoming seasons.

As Saddil Ramdani looks forward to making his mark on the pitch, Terengganu FC supporters eagerly anticipate witnessing his skills and contributions firsthand. His signing represents a significant addition to the club’s roster, adding depth and talent to their lineup for the challenges ahead in Malaysian football competitions.

Overall, Saddil Ramdani’s decision to join Terengganu FC marks a milestone in his career, reflecting his determination to excel at a top-tier Malaysian football club and contribute positively to their ongoing success.

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