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Now facing the aftermath of the Fifita flip, the Roosters find themselves in uncharted territory with an unexpected $3.4 million windfall.



Following David Fifita’s last-minute contract reversal, the Sydney Roosters find themselves grappling with the aftermath of a missed opportunity and an unexpected financial windfall of $3.4 million. The club’s management is perplexed by Fifita’s decision to renege on their offer, valued at $850,000 per year over four years, especially after his earlier discussions with the coaching staff. This turn of events has strained relations with back-rower Angus Crichton, who felt left out of the loop during the negotiations.

With Fifita’s deal off the table, the Roosters must now reevaluate their options, including securing Crichton’s future with the club amidst interest from other parties. The sudden vacancy in the roster presents a dilemma for coach Trent Robinson: whether to elevate current players or pursue new signings to fill the void. Additionally, the departure of key players at the end of the season adds pressure on the Roosters to maintain depth and experience in their squad.

The saga also sheds light on the instability of NRL contracts, with players’ allegiances seemingly subject to change overnight. As the Roosters navigate this situation, they may explore alternative strategies, including potential signings and contract renegotiations, to bolster their squad for the future.

