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Report from Community Team coach Alex Efthimiou after success at the Berks & Bucks Inclusive Cup.



We took two 7-a-side sides to the Berks & Bucks Inclusive Cup, which was hosted by Beaconsfield Town, last Sunday to round off our season. This was great because it allowed us to reward guys who are typically on the outside of the team for their weekly training efforts by giving them a spot on the squad. Mandy Butler took care of one side, and myself the other. Mandy is well-known to many of you from the days of the first team matches, and we are thrilled that she may now lead a team for the first time. Mandy has put in a great deal of effort to learn and has started her coaching career. We are quite pleased with her.

With a lot of teams from the BOBi league and some new teams to push us to perform at our best, it was a difficult competition. Even though neither club could deploy a recognized goalie, we still had to rise to the occasion and do our best.

With some outstanding football play and a tempo that other teams could not equal with their passing and off-ball movement, one of our teams managed to win the competition. But both teams performed quite well, and I’m happy of what they accomplished. As this was not simply a reward gained by one team but by the entire squad, we will display a medal at the club so that everyone can see what was accomplished. Without a group of players who are dedicated to this club, show up every week, and push one another during training, no awards can be won. A medal earned by any one of us represents us all.For Mandy’s team, she has asked me to give special mention to a few players. Jake Byrne and Damien Ebsworth are two players who have been in and around our matchday squads all season. They played in a team that was less experienced and they provided guidance and positive support throughout. A real credit to the club. However, Mandy’s player of the tournament was Isaac Okine. Isaac is usually a tough-tackling midfielder, but he volunteered to play in goal and did a commendable job considering he never plays there. His team spirit and determination was clear to see, and he made some excellent saves throughout.

For my team, it is very difficult to select specific players from a team that collectively played so well. I would like to mention Scott Miles and Laith Al Sattar, who have played very little football this season for various reasons, but both played at a very high standard, however my player of the tournament is Dwayne Shaw. Dwayne covered in goal for us although he is usually a forward and conceded only two goals in six games whilst also playing as a true sweeper keeper in possession. Without his performance levels, we would not have been able to play as dominantly as we did.

Finally, a small note from me personally. As many of you will know, this was my final game in the dugout with this wonderful team. After seven years a lot has changed and I simply cannot provide the level of commitment that these incredible players deserve. It has been a tremendous honour to coach this team over that time, and I have seen it grow and develop into a real force in our region. Coaching any team has its challenges, but the opportunity to be part of the journey for these men has been something I will cherish forever. I will still be around the club – you can’t get rid of me that easily – and I am looking forward to the incredible heights this team can reach in the future. Lastly, I want to thank Alan and Kay for giving me a chance to learn, qualify and develop at this incredible club.

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