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Barnsdall hosted a kindergarten graduation in a high school gym following a recent tornado in the area. Tosha Stroud witnessed her daughter Kalanni receiving her diploma.

“It was incredible. We’re extremely proud of her and her journey,” expressed Stroud.

A group of 35 children proudly walked up to receive their graduation certificates and posed for a picture. The youngsters also took charge of leading the national anthem and showcased a special performance by singing songs.

Stroud expressed her gratitude for being able to witness her daughter’s graduation despite the challenging circumstances.

“It feels incredibly amazing. We weren’t sure if it would even happen given the circumstances, but seeing how the community came together and put in so much effort is just remarkable,” remarked Stroud.

The school staff mentioned that they organized the graduation without any prior practice. Tara Shaw, one of the teachers, witnessed her students graduating.
