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The Northern Territory government is progressing slowly in its comprehensive review of systemic racism.



Three years after committing to a comprehensive government-wide review of systemic racism, the Northern Territory government has only partially completed one review out of its 48 agencies.

As part of the Aboriginal Justice Agreement signed in 2021, the government pledged to identify and eliminate systemic racism within government agencies and contracted service providers that discriminate against Aboriginal Territorians engaged in the justice system. However, progress has been slow, with only the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics undergoing review thus far.

NT government making slow progress in broad review into systemic racism -  ABC News

Leanne Liddle, former director of the Aboriginal Justice Unit, had previously stated that every government agency and associated service provider would be reviewed for evidence of systemic racism. However, no further reviews have been initiated, and the government has not yet decided on the next department to be reviewed.

While the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics review remains unfinished and its recommendations undisclosed, the government plans to conduct another review in the 2024-2025 financial year. Proposed recommendations are being discussed with the Department of Attorney-General and Justice.

Professor Christopher Cunneen, who developed the framework for the reviews, emphasized the government’s obligation to address systemic racism seriously, both under the Aboriginal Justice Agreement and the national Closing the Gap agreement. He clarified that systemic racism doesn’t necessarily involve individual staff members being racist but rather discriminatory policies and procedures within agencies.

Despite assurances from the government that the review process is ongoing, critics like Professor Cunneen highlight a broader issue of governments not consistently prioritizing and implementing agreements aimed at addressing systemic racism, leading to cynicism among Indigenous communities.

